publié le 3 octobre 2016

Entrepreneurs dans la Ville 10th year anniversary

Created in 2007 by Sport dans la Ville and emlyon business school, Entrepreneurs dans la Ville is a training program that helps business creation. The 10th year anniversary ceremony gathered entrepeneurs and partners to celebrate their success stories.

[icon name= »angle-double-left » class= » » unprefixed_class= » »] Entrepreneurs dans la Ville is about business education: it teaches business knwoledge and entrepreneurial behaviour and it drives the participants on the path to success [icon name= »angle-double-right » class= » » unprefixed_class= » »]
Mehdi Zamali, Class 2007

Mehdi Zamali, owner of Punch’In, chose these words to describe the program during the 10th year anniversary celebration, that gathered entrepreneurs and partners at Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne. Stéphane Treppoz, CEO of Sarenza, attended the ceremony, as he is the Honorary Mentor of Class 2016. During the ceremony, the 2016 class officially graduated. Three of them received a prize for their commitment and deserving work, to help them boost their business creation :

  • 1st prize : Best Business Plan, Romain Ragusa, La Source
  • 2nd prize : Jury’s favourite project, Mohamed Gassama, Facinated
  • 3rd prize : Boosting prize, Sabine Pique, L’atelier Pique


Stéphane Treppoz answered the 2016 class’ questions and gave testimony about his personnal business experience, sharing advice and personnal stories. The entrepreneurs remember the need to learn from your mistakes and the importance of having complementary profiles within the team .

It was the occasion to give an overview of the program during the past ten years. The encouraging results might persuade new future entrepreneurs to join the team:
[icon name= »rocket » class= » » unprefixed_class= » »] 195 supported projects
[icon name= »rocket » class= » » unprefixed_class= » »] 100 new business creation
[icon name= »rocket » class= » » unprefixed_class= » »] 40 % of businesswomen
[icon name= »rocket » class= » » unprefixed_class= » »] 96 % of the participants recomands the program

Two entrepreneurs have been rewarded during the ceremony for their amazing work and dedication since they created their own business : Mehdi Zamali (Class 2007), founder of Punch’In and Soraya Cherifi (Class 2009), founder of Facilia Assurance. They explained the importance of the program within their entrepreneurial path :

Entrepreneurs dans la Ville is an incredible opportunity for all ambitious and dedicated business creators. It helps youth furthest from the entrepreneurial world to discover business creation and find the strength to succeed. Soraya Cherifi, Class 2009

This great evening sugests many new projects and success for the classes to come ! entrepreneurs_dans_la_ville_10ans-1 entrepreneurs_dans_la_ville_10ans-2

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